Well Mother Nature is going to have her way with the photo-shoot! Unless its warm on Saturday the Easter shoot will be postponed until next Saturday at the same time, same place. Sorry everyone I was really hoping to give you some time to get these done. Shoot me an email or give me a call if you have any questions. Here is a picture from 2007 Winter 'storm,' to prepare you for this blizzard arriving in OKC!
**here are the details for next week**
Huntington Photography will be shooting pictures for Easter on Saturday April 4, 2009. From 9-11 am at Will Rogers Park. This is a limited time offer and will be set up as follows:
- Show up between the hours of 9-11
- We will be shooting on the northeast side of the park in a small clearing
- The cost for the event will be only $15 plus tax ($16.28)
- The images will be on PICTAGE
- Huntington Photography will give you the rights to the images of your choice
- You, Your family and friends will be to order prints online