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Hello, my name is John. I am a photographer

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Emma Grace

Wow what a week! Wedding Friday, Spring Shoot Saturday, and everything in between. This week has been crazy.
It also has been a trying and difficult time for some friends of ours, Jonny, Jessica & Emma Williams. God is so mysterious and wonderful; this week he has reminded us of just how mysterious and wonderful he really can be. On Saturday Jonny and Jessica brought Emma to the Spring Shoot and I was able to grab some great shots. And while emotions were so high with excitment of Easter, all that changed Sunday morning. I can't write very well so here are some exerpts from some emails

Jonny and Jessica Williams took their 6 month old baby girl Emma into the hospital early Sunday for what looked like unusual bruising on her leg and abdomen. Upon taking Emma in, they discovered her white blood cell count was extremely high. The doctor immediately had Emma transported over to the Children's Hospital. After a long day of running tests, the doctors diagnosed Emma with Leukemia.

But God shows his faithfulness! Read this!!!!

Emma’s white blood cell count had to be taken twice today because the doctors thought there was no way the amazing new results could be right! Tuesday morning her white blood cell count was 420,000 (the normal is between 2,500-5,000) and this morning her cell count was 2,800! The doctor said this never happens but Mark (Jonny’s Dad) was quick to report “yes it does, with prayer.” There are still some cancerous cells in her body 2,800 but this is looking like little Emma won’t have to fight nearly the uphill battle we originally thought she would . She is responding extremely well to the chemo (she went through the first round of treatment Tuesday), and she still has to go through the whole process. Needless to say, this is a much brighter hospital room filled with much happier faces. Your prayers are working!

Here are some pictures of Emma from Saturday in her Easter best!!

If you are interested in giving in any way to this Family, there is a trust set up for Emma.  Here are the details:

The Emma Grace Williams Trust Donation Account
Attn: Gerod Black
Chase Bank
12200 N Rockwell
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

Most of all though, please keep this family in your prayers!  Thank you!

You can also follow her progress @ www.emmagrace2009.blogspot.com