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Hello, my name is John. I am a photographer

based out of Oklahoma. This is my blog. I try to update it often.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Trying once again...

I have numerous times attempted to blog on a frequent basis. In some cases daily (yeah as if.) I was inspired yesterday by Chris Pollock's message to blog and even if it doesn't include a photo. It would still be benefical to express my thoughts.
I spent hours writing coding for this blog to make it pleasing to the eye and easy to read; yet I still manage to not blog very often. Ok so enough focusing on the faults. Here is a follow up to the 'resolutions' I had in December.

Goals for 'A long December'

  1. Donate all clothes I don't wear or are too small (Sort of completed :o) the clothes are in a pile in the bedroom, and i must send them to the ROC)
  2. Blog every day till 12-31-09 (as you can see didn't happen)
  3. Go one week without drinking Soda (HOLY COW was that difficult, a Sonic Coke never tasted so good.)
  4. Give away a free Family portrait session (I gave away two, at our Sunday School class Christmas Party)
  5. Ride my bike around Lake Overholser Monday Wednesday & Friday (It was a bit to frigid)
  6. Finish organizing my office (Not even Close)
  7. Make treats for our neighbors for christmas (One out of our three neighbors were home and they got the cookies. We also learned that they have a daughter that is around two and has curly blonde hair and has a the name Jada.)
  8. Finish two more courses for school (still not even close)
  9. God Time (Still working on this)
  10. Help Paige Set goals and keep them (She completed a list of items, and you should have seen her at the bridal show this year!! Outstanding Paige very well done! I couldn't be more proud of her.)
  11. Eat something I've never tried. (Still waiting to go somewhere)
  12. Take a photo a day and make a small book titled 'A long December' (The photos were taken mostly with the iphone. Now I have got to jump onto shutterfly and make the book)